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Enterprise Software Solutions

Get in touch with the future



NFC Solutions

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity technology standard that provides simple and safe communication between electronic devices in close proximity.

Business Solutions

QUBITEQ has developed and maintained a suite of applications covering a wide spectrum of requirements in localised office automation, commercial and financial management.


QUBITEQ is offering solutions that transform the portable devices into clever terminals. Our solutions are adapted in order to facilitate information delivery, user interaction and data acquisition.


With a proven track record in over the years, QUBITEQ has developed and deployed numerous solutions managing people registries for private and public organisations.


In an effort to answer to the growing concerns of our times regarding public safety, security and secure data exchange, QUBITEQ and its partners have developed solutions and platforms.

Web Applications

Internet application development is one of our core competencies: QUBITEQ has already marketed a complete offering of rich web platforms, able to satisfy diverse needs and usage.


QUBITEQ ( is a software house and systems integrator. Its primary field of activity is the development, sale and support of integrated software applications for businesses and organisations operating in Greece and abroad.

By closely following the rapid evolution in I.T. and Communications technology, QUBITEQ is developing and marketing a broad range of innovative solutions and services based on substantial ICT convergence know-how and aiming to cover requirements for the most demanding projects in the field.

Our Partners


ΦΑΡΑΝΤΑΤΩΝ 6-10 11527
Επωνυμία Εταιρείας : QUBITEQ Ιδιωτική Κεφαλαιουχική Εταιρεία 
Διακριτικός τίτλος : QUBITEQ IKE
Έδρα : ΦΑΡΑΝΤΑΤΩΝ 6-10, ΤΚ: 11527 ΑΘΗΝΑ
ΤΗΛ: +30 2111817900
Αριθμός ΓΕΜΗ: 083500402000
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